Bold Baboons


Mixed Media Original

18 x 22in (45x55cm)

Baboons are fascinating to watch, calm and passive one second then fierce and fast the next. These bold Baboons are just hanging out enjoying just being themselves. Note, they are always keeping an eye on you!

I loved the way the run of the spray paint and acrylic paint happened to form the tree shapes so that I could draw in the animals in their troop. The added Gold Leaf highlights them and their surroundings so well, each time you see this painting it will look different due to the light.



I wanted to viewer to feel that the animals were truly part of the landscape, their natural habitat- unfiltered. So, I played with spray paint and acrylic paint until I got the background I wanted and from there decided to add the animal simply and directly with professional pens. After that came the gold leaf just to emphasise the rich gold in front of us; that of the landscape and animal itself, we must protect.

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