Full Day Art Workshop 10-4pm


Enjoy the benefits of getting your own group together for a Private Art workshop. Alternatively book yourself or your deserving Team Member onto an Art Workshop, for a day of creative mindfulness and fun.

With a masterpiece to take home as a personal momento you will also carry the skills learnt and friendships made into the future for everlasting enjoyment.

There is a ton of research to show art helps with the following… making it the perfect personal and group event:

  • Team building
  • Confidence boost
  • Enhanced problem solver skills
  • therapeutic for the mind
  • Raises serotonin levels
  • Reduces stress
  • Enhanced brain function

“A brilliant experience to get creative juices flowing no matter your level of artistic ability, so enjoyable”  Claire Stephens


Style; Colour; Composition; Brush and Palette Knife Strokes and Techniques, are just some of the skills you will take away with you from this sociable creative  fun day.

Having the freedom to create with guidance on hand releases more than just endorphins; the happy drug in our brain, but has a lasting effect on rejuvenated confidence. The relaxing effects of forgetting the every day stuff, using the other side of your brain by getting creative, are well documented and will be something you and your staff member will remember and thank you for the experience.

Review: “Very informative relaxed style. wasn’t expecting to be able to do it but surprised myself” Elayne Rushworth

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