Heidi’s Art Club


An Art Club just for you…

Do you keep meaning to do art as a hobby but don’t know where to start? or perhaps you have art sets tucked in a draw that you would like to know how to use? If so, this Art Club is for you.

Running from Sept to Dec. held by-weekly, it is time for you, planned into your diary, where you can socialise with like-minded people forget the everyday and get creative.

To run 2.5 hrs every other week at Swale Media Arts Centre Sittingbourne Kent. The weeks in between will be online Art* demonstrations. I will give you suggestions to work on at home via the Private Facebook group you will automatically belong to as a member. This is designed to continue your practise but of course it’s not compulsory. (This would mean each weeks 2.5hr session in person or online is just £12.50)

With your own equipment, you can work on personal projects, drawings; paintings; maybe small items of furniture and the like, or just turn up and get inspired with new ideas that will be in abundance. Whatever you decide, it means you can continue your Art practise, use the creative side of your brain and have fun.

Can’t wait to see you there…

“Have found Heidi’s course to be so relaxed, friendly and informative, so glad I gave it a go, it has rekindled an artistic spark in me that I thought was dead”

Susan Hollis Sittingbourne


Do you keep meaning to do art as a hobby but don’t know where to start? or perhaps you have art sets tucked in a draw that you would like to know how to use? If so, this Art Club is for you.

VENUE: Swale Media Arts Centre

34 High st Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4PB


Monday 11 th Sept / Tuesday 12 th Sept / Monday 25 th Sept / Tuesday 26 th Sept

Monday 9 th Oct / Tuesday 10 th Oct / Monday 23 rd Oct / Tuesday 24 th Oct

Monday 6 th Nov /Tuesday 7 th Nov / Monday 20 th Nov / Tuesday 21 st Nov

Monday 4 th Dec / Tuesday 5 th Dec / Monday 18 th Dec / Tuesday 19 th Dec.

Really looking forward to helping you on your Art Journey…


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