

A3 Giclee Print

Most Sharks are not dangerous to humans despite their fearsome reputation. Only about a dozen of more than 300 species of Sharks have been involved in attacks on people. Hence my depiction of a smiling Shark. Did you know that this shy creature actually likes to be petted. With the contrary background the blues and turquoise colours sing out to be stroked!

Sharks first appeared in the ocean around 455 million years ago however they are under threat from demand for their fins; overfishing; bycatch; human disturbance; habitat and prey loss. More than one third of all sharks are now at risk of extinction which would devastate the ocean. Without sharks many other species would die.




A3 Giclee Print

Most Sharks are not dangerous to humans despite their fearsome reputation. Only about a dozen of more than 300 species of Sharks have been involved in attacks on people. Hence my depiction of a smiling Shark. Did you know that this shy creature actually likes to be petted. With the contrary background the blues and turquoise colours sing out to be stroked!

Sharks first appeared in the ocean around 455 million years ago however they are under threat from demand for their fins; overfishing; bycatch; human disturbance; habitat and prey loss. More than one third of all sharks are now at risk of extinction which would devastate the ocean. Without sharks many other species would die.

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