So why paint colourful animals?

I’m celebrating with them… their authenticity; their acknowledgement of just being themselves; their unique, unashamed beauty; their individual style that celebrates the diversity of life.

I love the journey a painting takes me on, slowly revealing a personality to me, and with it a story about them almost plays out in my head.  Curiously exploring, sometimes I mix a range of colours up that I love, and when I apply them I realise they don’t suit the individual! However, then I know I’m on the right track to revealing the true colours of their character.

Having opted out of the office world I was lost, I knew I would never return to that life, but had no idea what to do next…

My mind was a constant dialogue of angry demands on myself but, finding Art gave me the chance to reconnect with that inner voice that knew what was best for me. Stephen Spielberg’s best advice to give to your children is, to “Listen to the whisper” Art quietened my mind to reveal moments of clarity and do just that. I believe that whisper is your heart’s desire, and that if we all followed it life will deliver everything you really want and need and the world would be a happier place, a more authentic and sincerer place, one that celebrates the very act of being human different and unique but equally special. All of this has the pre-requisite of love, wouldn’t it be just lovely?

The dialogue with art in my head was personal, was exciting, all-consuming and not a bit logical. It just spoke to me of my love of learning, growing as a person and opening up to the possibilities of life, if I just believed.  This conversation mapped out a desire for a more authentic life, hence my plan spending time living simply in a motorhome following my heart’s desire, not only to paint but share my joy and new-found mindfulness with others whilst exploring and taking inspiration from whatever we find, in England first of all and then, who knows, anywhere new.

Now, just over a year on art and I have an understanding, I will devote as much time to learning and growing, if in that time it helps me to drown out my logical brain, telling me all the reasons why my dreams wont work and why I need to stay in my comfort zone. Just like everyone else I am regularly dragged back to the realities of our lives, This week was a flood and a car that needed mot and tax but I can always feel when I have been away from painting for too long, so I do what is necessary, then take myself off to reconnect with my art and find my peace and ambition again. Passion is a brilliant tool to help stop procrastination.

All the while I’m writing this blog I can sense a pink flamingo nudging me to get my hands dirty, so it’s got to be bye for now, but keep an eye out for my next instalment in animal art!


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