After binge watching and listening to all media for the first couple of days of Boris’ talks, then having serious discussions with my children about self-isolation. Thinking about explaining to a three year old why he can’t see his Oma and Opa, and the thought of missing my daily hug from my daughter, or foregoing our plans of travelling to see our granddaughter and son; within no time, I became unproductive and emotional the whole day. My usually level head was running scared. This is natural because we are faced with so many unknowns but when I woke up and wrote this down before my first morning cuppa, I knew it was time to control my fear…


Frightening, Enduring, but worst of all, an Atrocity to Reason.

I will acknowledge it.

It can come on this journey with me,

Because it is part of me.

But I won’t be defined by it.


I will be respectful of Fears feelings,

So, I will be careful and sensible.

But if I let Fear consume me,

I will be paralysed.

Paralysis from Fear, does not walk you through tough times.

It erodes joy: degrades confidence, stifles kindness, momentum and creativity.


Being inventive in our thinking is what we need right now.

The virus has wiped the slate clean giving us time to think,

Find confidence in our resourcefulness;

shape who we could be

and the chance to start afresh.


We must embrace change, to fight it, is a waste of our passion.

We must think on our feet, be creative, thoughtful and caring,whatever our position,

Be it isolation; social distancing or freedom,

what happens to our mind set, has always been our choice.

Don’t let it be FEAR’s








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